Thursday, December 9, 2010

Reply to Handguns for 18 year olds by Yan Xiong

I agree with my colleague Yan Xiong's blog in Handguns for 18 year olds. Age 18 is a very irresponsible time to be holding a handgun. I see so many problem areas in the young adults society that it's impossible to see crime rates go up with this one. That makes a teenager think well I can't drink but I can go shoot someone. This article is very important because it shows how the young future would be in trouble. Ms. Xiong is very credible to this issue by stating that at this age a person is not fully mature.

Just thinking about my experiences at that age and what I see now definitely makes me support this issue. I know that some kids are misguided at this point and not to mention there is a point where confusion hits the adolescence mark. I went through and speaking from experience, I believe that this would have a bad outcome.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Financial Crisis

The Unites States national government really needs to focus on the financial status  that we are facing at this time in life. I feel like the government is fumbling with budgets and what really needs funding. It comes down to what is more important. I hear Obama constantly talking about different areas that need to be fixed, but I can't see much of change. Rumors are already saying that my age group may not even have a social security fund. That would be a first in history. If the U.S. finds a more efficient way to budget their accounting, things would be better. There has been several approaches, which is good, but it hasn't been fully beneficial. I have noticed projects that the government is funding that doesn't need all the money the U.S. is funding. For example, downtown Austin is rebuilding the parking lot and decorating the bridge by 6th street to make it look nicer. Why? I feel like that is not a need, just something that is nice to see. More electricity use also with all the colorful lights that burn all night. Same with the U.S. government, that is what I'm seeing. Also, tax increases hasn't been fully appreciated by most people. Taxes are beginning to worsen and it's hard to balance that with greed of mankind. However, the government is going to have to do better. I'm really wondering what will happen in the future to come. Will the U.S government take it too far or make it better? That question still lurks in my head.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Response "Don't Ask"

I believe that Zachary Waggoner in "Don't Ask", was well written and I agree with his stand point on the issue that politicians are scared to make stand of some issues under government policies. I also agree that the nation needs someone who will stand up and take initiative to clear governmental weaknesses. Sexual orientation should not matter. Many gays are entered in the service, and I can only be respectful for a person that steps up to serve our country. However, Waggoner states his opinion very well and is very knowledgeable of the circumstance. The article is highly credited from support of "USA Today."  Also, I feel the government states many issues but the whole "Don't tell, Don't ask," attaches my thoughts about the government in knowing that there is definitely a slack of processed carried out insufficiently. 

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The US National Government

      The U.S. National Government, in my thought, is a very good organization but lacks perfection. I admire the structure government has formed, however I feel as though there is some things the people have no say in. I mean it's weird to see a presidential candidate  tell the nation what they can change but takes years to change and sometimes never gets resolved. However, I do agree on how each state is represented. I feel that electoral votes is very reasonable due to the size of states. The U.S. National Government is very sturdy. It takes a lot to make changes to any policies that are made. We have followed an ancient history of "Founding Father's" documents. 
        In other words, all branches have certain tasks and measures to follow, even the president.                                                                                              
The National Government is made up of an executive, judicial, and legislative branches. Executive deals with the power of the president. Legislative deals with the Senate and House of Representatives. Judicial is appointed by the president and approved by the senate. All branches serves in different purposes. I feel that the National Government may be too powerful at times. Our defense act is sometimes unfair to the community as in whatever the authority says goes, but I find that some authority is handled wrong. In my mind, its many topics that may never be discussed that regular people may never know. It can be a good thing for people who don't want to know, however, it is good for the people to be acknowledged of all tasks the US come into. I believe the US Government has a remarkable amount of knowledge, but there is so many things that questions me in it being completely trustworthy.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wil We Ever Have High-Speed Trains?- A Measured Approach Can Work

In the opinion article, Robert Puentes argues that millions of dollars should not be invested in any type of transportation. Robert explains that there is no reason in fast attaching cities and metros that are already connected. His argument is very well explained and I agree with his views. I admit that this is not something relatively needed. The government definitely need to think this one through and prioritize the decision of going forward with this idea. Obama wants to put 8 billion dollars up for this? I think the U.S should be worrying more about the issues we have going already other than worrying about fast transportation. Like Robert mentions, the cost of maintenance for the trains would be highly expensive as well. Also, this will take substantial technology to develop and maintain.  Robert has a high credibility by using China's high speed rail as an example,  Barack Obama's view, and is highly anticipated by many others admiring the topic. The intended audience would be the government, and also specifically pointing out the mayors and city officials who may be in thought of the fast rail plan. However, the decision of following up with high speed trains going 200mph, is also controversy because acknowledgments of a train speeding at 100mph is already an issue. I'm sure trains at these speeds could not be compromised in going through towns. Could affect other transportation abilities in the near future and bring disturbance to the society. In other words, I feel that this is a great opinion establishment.

Obama, the Attack Dog.....

In this opinion article, "Obama, the Attack Dog," Gail Collins and David Brooks are arguing about Obama's approach against the Chamber of Commerce. The topics are about Obama pointing out money going towards ads with elections and how its distributed. The authors see money as being unreasonable in the politic world. However, leadership in Congress is supported by the fundraisers held. Also, they argue about targeting small and big businesses. They argue that businesses shouldn't be targeted for intentions of funding election attack ads. Big business take more hit than small businesses. The intended audience is for the people who agree or interested in President Obama. The authors credibility is very sufficient among Campaign Finance, Barack Obama, and Elections 2010. I don't agree what David Brooks states in the article. He is very self-conscious and seems to disagree with Obama's approach. David thinks Obama is approaching his arguments with insufficient information or proof. Also, he is very opposing with his ideas. David tries to talk too much instead of getting to the point. However, Gail Collins is very reliable on her arguments. I agree with what she states. Gail gets straight to the point and keeps a positive argument by explaining that there is some confusion with controlling money on elections. She also examines the situation by not taking a specific side but clearly shows that there is some unfair thoughts pertaining the situation.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Compromise on Tax Cuts Near?

The article, "Compromise on Tax Cuts Near," from Fox News reports the condition of taxes being cut down under the economy circumstances. It is aware among Republican Senator Susan Collins, that raising taxes at this time is not suitable. Due to substantial unemployment and a weak economy, plans are being postponed. There is no complete answer to the tax cuts, but senators are looking for a 2-year extension of the current law. This is not a for sure matter; however, President Obama plans to only extend tax cuts for the middle class only. This matter has been highly agreed by other senators. The article is very important to me because it gives me the view of how the government is approaching the tax cut matter. It's still an unresolved matter that's getting thrown around. I am truly looking forward to the follow up with the tax cut issue. Makes the reader wonder will this issue ever come to a solution. The article is stated here. Fox News-Compromise on Tax Cuts Near?