Thursday, October 14, 2010

Obama, the Attack Dog.....

In this opinion article, "Obama, the Attack Dog," Gail Collins and David Brooks are arguing about Obama's approach against the Chamber of Commerce. The topics are about Obama pointing out money going towards ads with elections and how its distributed. The authors see money as being unreasonable in the politic world. However, leadership in Congress is supported by the fundraisers held. Also, they argue about targeting small and big businesses. They argue that businesses shouldn't be targeted for intentions of funding election attack ads. Big business take more hit than small businesses. The intended audience is for the people who agree or interested in President Obama. The authors credibility is very sufficient among Campaign Finance, Barack Obama, and Elections 2010. I don't agree what David Brooks states in the article. He is very self-conscious and seems to disagree with Obama's approach. David thinks Obama is approaching his arguments with insufficient information or proof. Also, he is very opposing with his ideas. David tries to talk too much instead of getting to the point. However, Gail Collins is very reliable on her arguments. I agree with what she states. Gail gets straight to the point and keeps a positive argument by explaining that there is some confusion with controlling money on elections. She also examines the situation by not taking a specific side but clearly shows that there is some unfair thoughts pertaining the situation.

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