Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Financial Crisis

The Unites States national government really needs to focus on the financial status  that we are facing at this time in life. I feel like the government is fumbling with budgets and what really needs funding. It comes down to what is more important. I hear Obama constantly talking about different areas that need to be fixed, but I can't see much of change. Rumors are already saying that my age group may not even have a social security fund. That would be a first in history. If the U.S. finds a more efficient way to budget their accounting, things would be better. There has been several approaches, which is good, but it hasn't been fully beneficial. I have noticed projects that the government is funding that doesn't need all the money the U.S. is funding. For example, downtown Austin is rebuilding the parking lot and decorating the bridge by 6th street to make it look nicer. Why? I feel like that is not a need, just something that is nice to see. More electricity use also with all the colorful lights that burn all night. Same with the U.S. government, that is what I'm seeing. Also, tax increases hasn't been fully appreciated by most people. Taxes are beginning to worsen and it's hard to balance that with greed of mankind. However, the government is going to have to do better. I'm really wondering what will happen in the future to come. Will the U.S government take it too far or make it better? That question still lurks in my head.

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