Thursday, December 9, 2010

Reply to Handguns for 18 year olds by Yan Xiong

I agree with my colleague Yan Xiong's blog in Handguns for 18 year olds. Age 18 is a very irresponsible time to be holding a handgun. I see so many problem areas in the young adults society that it's impossible to see crime rates go up with this one. That makes a teenager think well I can't drink but I can go shoot someone. This article is very important because it shows how the young future would be in trouble. Ms. Xiong is very credible to this issue by stating that at this age a person is not fully mature.

Just thinking about my experiences at that age and what I see now definitely makes me support this issue. I know that some kids are misguided at this point and not to mention there is a point where confusion hits the adolescence mark. I went through and speaking from experience, I believe that this would have a bad outcome.

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